I've been working as a coach for many years. 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of Effective Challenge. Like my use of coaching as a leadership approach, the original concept of Effective Challenge was born many years before - 2008, to be precise. The concept came from my realisation that being effective is something we need to keep working at as we manage the changing circumstances around us - often not what you find described in the self-help books.
When I started Effective Challenge, I wasn't sure where it would go or how fast. Despite often being asked when I would leave full-time employment, I had an open mind. It was never my intent to do that. At least not in the short to medium term. I have been fortunate to work with some great and inspiring people and watch them evolve and achieve their personal and team ambitions. The Effective Challenge podcast provides another way to share my thoughts and ideas. The messages I receive from listeners are lovely and are a weekly reminder of people's challenges.
As I pursue different projects, I love the learning I get to do and the satisfaction of helping others. I was talking with someone this week, and they suggested that I could share more about what I do behind the scenes of Effective Challenge and the things that interest me. I've pondered that, and I've decided I will. There are two reasons:
Share my journey to help others looking to follow a similar path.
I hold myself accountable for completing projects that I start.
The second reason is the one I hope to get some personal gain from. I know when I'm more public about what I'm doing, it increases my level of commitment. Without that, I tend to over-commit and start more things than I hope to finish. I have many ideas for 2024 and the next decade of Effective Challenge. I will share them as I go.